Kayra Theodore portrait – black woman illustration
Illustration of a black woman with braided hair twisted into geometric shapes.
Talent and skill are not the same – a blog on what talent means
A blog discussing the difference between Talent, skill, ambition, and passion.
Pink Leucistic Axolotl in Lake Xochimilco – illustration
Illustration of a Leucistic Axolotl in the waters of Lake Xochimilco.
“Departed (right here)” – two cats being ripped apart illustration
An orange cat and a red cat being physically ripped apart from each other by outside forces.
“Pitter Patter” receives an award from Communication Arts awards
My artwork “Pitter Patter” wins an award of excellence in the 65th Communication arts illustration annual.
Artist jobs are safe – Eight points why AI cannot replace artists
Eight points supporting why AI (Artificial Intelligence) will not replace artists and our jobs.
Orion’s belt – white dog with galaxy in a ball illustration
Illustration of a white floppy-eared dog laying down in the grass, a purple ball in between it’s paws.