“The pond is dying…” – child with animals in the woods illustration

An ink drawing of a little boy sitting at the pond’s edge, bending down to touch the water. He despairs at how murkey and polluted it is, as the forest animals gather around him to mourn the pond slowly dying.

The animals shown are a bear, deer (doe), crane, fox, stray cat, wolf, rabbit, mice, and squirrels.

This artwork hung in the Wards Foundation museum in Salisbury, Md.

© Artwork by Dominique Ramsey
The artwork as it hung in the museum. Two classmates had accepted artwork hanging as well.
The logo of illustrator Dominique Ramsey. It reads "Dominique Ramsey".
Ink drawing of a boy bending down to touch the water of a pond. The animals around him are a bear, deer, crane, fox, stray cat, wolf, rabbit, mice, and squirrels.

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