2013 fan art and original character drawings I
Five drawings of fan art and original work from freshman year of high school.
2013 still life vase drawing
A drawing of 2 vases that I did in Freshman year of Highschool.
Warrior Cats: “He loved too much” – Ashfur’s death digital painting
A digital painting depicting Ashfur’s death from Warrior Cats.
Warrior Cats: “If only for one night” – Bluestar illustration
Bluestar sees the ghost of her mate, Oakheart, in her final moments.
2012 drawings – fanart and original characters
Six drawings from the freshman year of high school.
2012 graphite drawing of a still life
A still life drawing I did my freshman year of high school.
Bobcat wearing silver bangles – digital drawing
Drawing of a light-brown bobcat.
2011 sketches and drawings
Three doodles of dogs from my 8th grade of middle school.
Warrior Cats: Scourge and Tigerstar’s death – fan art drawing
A digital drawing depicting Scourge attacking Tigerstar during the Great Battle.