LOVE x LOVE series: “That’s the way love goes” – hand illustration
Illustration of a black and purple hand with a hole in the palm of it shaped like a heart.
LOVE x LOVE series: “It’s a love thing” – bear illustration
Illustration of two bears wrapped up in a quilt blanket.
Edgy lamb sheep illustration
Illustration of a black lamb with brown wool on a yellow background.
“LOVE x LOVE” – deer illustration
Two pink doe deer in the forest lock hooves as a tiny pink heart shines brightly in between them.
LOVE x LOVE Series: “You Give Good Love” – seagull illustration
A white seagull wearing a striped red and white shirt and jean pants on the beach hugs another seagull that is distantly far away.
LOVE x LOVE series: “And I give my love to you” – illustration
An orange rabbit and red fox happily reach their arms out to protect a radiating pink heart.
Solitary Animals book accepted into Society of Illustrators exhibition
My first illustrated kids book, Solitary Animals: introverts of the wild, is accepted into the Society of Illustrators 64th annual exhibition.
Panther series: “Here I Stand” illustration
A purple panther wearing gold rings around it’s neck stand proudly with a crown above it’s head.
LOVE x LOVE series: “Glow of love” – blue cat illustration
A blue cat wearing a T-shirt levitates off the ground in a pink colored jungle.
Panther series: “I always feel like somebody’s watching me…”
A black panther looks wearily over it’s shoulder, dozens of eyes encircle it’s head with all the pupils looking at the panther.