The head of a brown squirrel – bust illustration
A brown and beige squirrel, inspired by Argentinian animal masks.
“Overnight” – jaguar holding the sun in it’s tail illustration
A jaguar, fading into night, holds the sun in it’s tail.
“Statue of a fool made of stone” – gold lioness illustration
Illustration of a lioness turned to gold sitting on a green rock, in rocky terrain.
“I’m not over you” – fox with her ex-partner illustration
Illustration of a yellow bipedal fox hugging and clutching onto the memory of her ex-partner.
“Step into my life” – African Wild dog and wolf illustration
Illustration of a bipedal African wild dog and white wolf stepping into their new chapter of life together.
The Solar System: Earth – illustration
Illustration of the planet earth and earth’s moon eclipsing the sun behind it.
“Im here, right here my dear” – two deer illustration
A male deer has his face held gently by the hands of another male deer.
“Dream a little dream of me” – brown fossa dreaming illustration
Illustration of a brown fossa dreaming of three stories.
“I’ve got dreams to remember” – heart broken black coyote
Illustration of a black coyote’s silhouette grinning painfully with it’s eyes wide.
What inspires my people art – a blog on art style
In this blog I share what inspires my people art, and how I keep the style consistent.