UPDATE (02/29/24): I will be back logging my art from previous years into this blog for a good minute, so please prepare for multiple posts in a short span of time.
I am having to start my art blog ALL over again since my previous web host is selling their user’s data to AI companies. Furthermore, I also did not like the restriction and prices there. This time though my site will be 100% customizable so i’ll be able to give you all a more enjoyable viewing experience!
Welcome to my new art blog ya’ll! This will be an easy space for everyone to see my artwork and career updates for FREE if they so choose. You even get to subscribe and stay up to date.
Portfolio | shop | art prints | Instagram | Youtube | Patreon
![Footer logo Logo of illustrator Dominique Ramsey.](https://dominiqueramseyillustration.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Behance-logo-2.png)
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