A woman with long brown hair and wearing a pink dress, kneels down in the middle of a forest. She turns to pet a Collie dog while a Dachshund lays in her lap. Next to her sits a male lion and silver tabby cat.
The woman represents the Greek goddess Demeter; the god of harvest, crops, and food. There are four food and plant symbols in this piece:
This vegetables is represented by the brown collie dog that Demeter is petting next to her.
This flower is represented by the large orange male lion sitting behind Demeter.
The vegetable of corn is shown as a Dachshund that lays in Demeter’s lap. A pun on the food name “corn dog”.
Hibiscus flower
This pink flower is represented by a small silver tabby, who wears the flower petals around it’s neck. A pun on “Hibisc-hiss”, because cats hiss.
Watercolor on paper and ink pen
11 x 14in

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