Other animals
Any artwork containing species of animals with no specific category.
Including but not limited to:
Canines: coyote, maned wolf, jackal, etc.
Mustelids: Martens, minks, ferrets, skunks, badgers, etc.
Elephants and mammoths
Ungulates: Giraffes, antelope, etc.
and more.
“Whispering in his ear my magic potion for love” – illustration
A female meerkat whispers in the ear of her male partner.
“Drippin” – coyote with gold teeth illustration
A brown coyote on the beach by the ocean turns it’s head towards you and shows it’s teeth.
“In the shadows” – coyote illustration
A shadowy looking coyote turns it’s gaze towards you.
J. Jonks elephant – blue and purple elephant illustration
A blue and purple elephant standing in orange grass.
“Walking the feelings” – hedgehog walking a dark cloud illustration
Black and white illustration of a hedgehog wearing a scarf, and taking a dark cloud for a stroll.
“Haven’t you heard? Im looking for you” – creature illustration
A black shadowy creature slowly walks out from the darkness of the forest.
“Honey Badger don’t give a f***” – honey badger illustration
Black and white illustrations of a Honey badger snarling at you.
“Through the fire” – antelope and mouse illustration
A pink and orange gazelle “leaps” through tumultuous event, leaving fire on it’s tail and antlers.
Brown weasel on white baclground illustration
Illustration of a brown weasel on a white background.
“ANXIETY” – antelope illustration
An antelope runs through the plains with smoke coming from it’s head.