Artwork containing Botanical; flowers, trees, plants, and anything else heavily centered-around nature themes. This category also includes Fungi, planets, and astronomy.
“Close ties” – drawing of two red wolves with chrysanthemums
Two red wolves mirroring each other and surrounded by chrysanthemum flowers.
Native Cat series: China – Dragon Li cat illustration
Illustration of a the Great Wall of China, Chinese flag, a temple, and a dragon making up the silhouette of a Dragon Li cat.
Native Cat series: Japan – Japanese Bobtail cat illustration
The mountain of Mt. Fuji, Koi fish, cherry blossom trees outlining the silhouette of the Japanese Bobtail cat. The Bobtail has two traditional fans with the flag of Japan as it’s ears.
“We Found Love Here” – traditional cat illustration
An indoor cat encounters a stray cat on her window seal one day.
“Hello Rudy, We Love You” – traditional illustration
Illustration of a Shar Pei dog named Rudy finally getting a loving home.
Lemon still life drawing
A drawing of four lemons, three mint candies, ripped paper bits, and one Tootsie roll candy.
Native Cat series: Russia – Russian Blue illustration
Illustration of snow covered forest in Siberia making up the silhouette of a Russian Blue cat.
Native Cat series: Ethiopia – Abyssinian cat illustration
Illustration of a waterfall and moutains making up the silhouette of an Abyssinian cat.
Native Cat series: Thailand – Siamese cat illustration
Illustration of lily pads and cliffs making up the silhouette of a Siamese cat.
2015 sketches and drawings
A collection of sketches and drawings I did my junior and first half of senior year in 2015.