Artwork containing Botanical; flowers, trees, plants, and anything else heavily centered-around nature themes. This category also includes Fungi, planets, and astronomy.
Hyacinths, Violets, and Buttercups – flower illustrations
Three illustrations of buttercups, violets, and Hyacinth flowers.
“Giving tree” – black and white tree illustration
A cat stands next to a large tree in a desert.
Eyvind Earle tree – warm up
Illustration of a tree inspired by the art of Eyvind Earle.
“Footsteps in the dark” – bunny illustration
A blue bunny gets nervous out alone in the woods at night.
“The field” – orange cat standing in grass field drawing
A drawing of an orange cat standing in a grass field.
Native Cat series: Brazil – Brazilian Shorthair cat illustration
Illustration of the Amazon jungle making up the solihuette of a cat. The cat has the flag of Brazil tied around it’s left ear.