Any artwork containing domestic dogs and their breeds.
Dog man – German Shepherd wearing a hoodie drawing
A bipedal German Shepherd wears a lilac purple hoodie.
Primary dog series: three dog illustrations II
Three more illustrations in my Primary Dog art series.
Primary Dog series: three dog illustrations I
A collection of black and white illustrations where dogs are adorned with yellow, blue, and red triangles.
“The Enlightened” – traditional borzoi illustration
A borzoi dog sits on some rocks and ponders thoughts about philosophy and the universe.
“Teasing” pink dog surrounded by three other dogs
A pink greyhound gets surrounded by three other dogs in the forest as they antagonize her.
“Dreams” – traditional dogs with children illustration
Illustration of three children laying with two magical dogs, one being pink and the other being blue.
The Top 10 – traditional dogs illustration
Illustration of the top ten dogs labeled as “most likely to bite”.
“Hello Rudy, We Love You” – traditional illustration
Illustration of a Shar Pei dog named Rudy finally getting a loving home.
“Wade in the water” – brown collie dog walks across river
A digital painting of a brown and tan collie dog walking across a shallow river.