Any artwork containing domestic dogs and their breeds.
LOVE x LOVE series: “Love came right on time” – Dog illustration
A brown Doberman holds the stem of a pink rose as it wraps up and around it’s neck and head.
“It’s the same as the emotion I get from you ” – dog illustration
Illustration of a bipedal floppy-eared dog and a terrier dog sitting in tall grass together.
“Tiny dancer” – ballerina dog dancing in a hand illustration
Illustration of a purple and brown doberman holding a small blue fairy dog in the palm of her hand.
“Static Shock” – Mastiff dog with wolf illustration
Illustration of a black mastiff dog and black wolf standing next to each other, as white static peels off their bodies. Portfolio | shop | art prints | Instagram | Youtube | Patreon
“Playing your games babe” – running dog with dice illustration
Illustration of a hound dog running frantically through a purple grass field with checkerboard patterned ground.
“Each and every part of me” – French bulldog illustration
Illustration of a French Bulldog at different stages of its life balance on an orb that hovers over a lake.
“And it sounded like a whisper” – Basset hound dog illustration
Illustration of two Basset hound dogs howling in agony towards the night sky.
Dog lady – portrait illustration
Illustration of a beige bipedal dog wearing a detailed long sleeve shirt and a green collar.