I painted a big cats mural in downtown Salisbury, Maryland

My design was selected to paint on a utility box and 3 pipes in Downtown Salisbury, MD.

First, all plaques and metal parts had to be taped off or around the edges to avoid paint getting on them. I then applied 2-3 coats of primer to the front, sides, and top back of the box. Once dry I used a charcoal pencil to lightly outline the figures and composition. I went over that with a sharpie marker then painted on top of that. A ladder was used to reach the top of the box on both front and back. The middle panel to the box was intentionally left with negative space so visitors could take an aesthetic picture with it if they chose to.

The pipes were cleaned of rust as much as possible with a solution and sponge then primed 3-4 times. No sketching needed here, just painting and vibing.

To protect my progress through rain and bugs, I used a giant tarp to tie at the top loops of the box and held it down on the ground with bricks. Thankfully there was little rain that month!

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