“Whispering in his ear my magic potion for love” – illustration
A female meerkat whispers in the ear of her male partner.
“Rambling Rose” – black wolf with rose in throat illustration
A black wolf with a rose growing in it’s throat.
“Chain of Fools” – black and green bull illustration
A bull made of black steatite is chained down by threats coming from all directions.
“Drippin” – coyote with gold teeth illustration
A brown coyote on the beach by the ocean turns it’s head towards you and shows it’s teeth.
LOVE x LOVE series: “Love is the key” – wolf illustration
Two black wolves wearing rainbow stripes on their fur dance together in a golden field.
“And if by chance you’ll let me just hold you” – cat illustration
Two yellow and Orange cats hug each other, longing for each other’s company.
“Back to life, back to reality” – tree illustration
A green moss tree by a yellow lake.